The Writings and the Prophets
After the book of Nehemiah the rest of the Old Testament falls under the headings "The Writings" and "The prophets". These form a fairly eclectic mix of sayings and pronouncements with some real gems which people go back to and savour time and again. But these gems are indeed that - gems. And gems are usually located after hard work mining away deep underground or maybe long searching in difficult terrain. Reading the Bible can feel a bit like that when ploughing through Chronicles or Isaiah. The prophetic books follow their own paths. WIthin them there are some random verses which Christians take as referring to Jesus. I am convinces that those who wrote them did not think of most of these sayings as having a Messianic aspect, but that does not detract from their value to today's reader. Prophecy was mostly shrewd discernment of the near future and comment on the behaviour of the nation, or its ruling classes. It is important to read the Old Testament as a...