The Different Kinds of Writing in the Bible
So for all those who have a problem with trying to make sense of what the Bible says, how are we to approach it. A literal understanding of the text won't do, because that leaves most of us in denial about some of it, and those who tend to a very conservative approach or are fundamentalists invent wordy arguments about how this doesn't apply any more, so letting themselves off the hook. There are a number of ways of resolving this problem and which give the Biblical text full respect. I am not going to rank them in order of importance or significance: the ordering is merely because I have to start somewhere. Perhaps we should start with my first post which indicated a different way of understanding the first chapters of Genesis. If we understand this as a piece of theological writing rather than an attempt at writing history, we get ourselves out of the endless controversy which surrounds these passages. This approach bears fruit with many other passages too, some of which...